Wingin’ in the New Year…

Many folks here in the South kick off the new year with a traditional meal of ham, greens and black-eyed peas…ham for health, greens for wealth and black-eyed peas for luck. Now I’m a Southern boy through and through and I do love ham and black-eyed peas (greens, not so much) but I get enough of those throughout the year and for New Year’s Day, I want something a little different. This year I found myself jonesin’ for some wings grilled on the Egg.

But what kind of wings? Since we were already breaking tradition I decided to avoid the usual buffalo-styles. I did a bit of searching around and found some interesting possibilities but for some reason the idea of something southwestern or Mexican-ish was lurking in the back of my head and I finally figured out that ‘fajita’ was the taste I was looking for.

A bit more searching took me to a marinade recipe on that seemed to be a good starting place. To be honest I really didn’t change anything other than tripling the recipe and giving it all a good whirl in a blender (OK, it’s a Magic Bullet…don’t be haters) to mix everything well. The wings went in a Zip-Lock with about 2/3s of the marinade and sat overnight in the fridge to allow the marinade to do its thing. The rest of the marinade was reserved to baste the wings while they cooked.

Marinade Before

Marinade After


I cooked the wings at 400 degrees over indirect heat (used the plate setter, legs up) for about an hour. I gave the wings a turn about half way through and basted ‘em a couple of times with the reserved marinade.



So how did they turn out? Well, does this tell you anything?




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5 Responses to Wingin’ in the New Year…

  1. griffinsgrub says:

    I like the way you think. Wings are a food group onto themselves and I’m always looking for a new recipe. Fajita wings? Yes, I think I will, thank you very much.


    • mrbream says:

      Give ’em a shot. The only complaint I had was that they turned out even less crispy than grilled wings usually do. But, as you can see from the last pic, it didn’t slow us down much.


      • griffinsgrub says:

        I’ve found that to be true with wings that sit in a marinade. Not necessarily a bad thing, you just have to expect it. I’ve got a few recipes that turn out that way like piri-piri, spicy ranch and chipotle. Nature of the marinade.


      • mrbream says:

        Sounds like we’re on the same page.


  2. griffinsgrub says:

    Oh…and a Happy New Year’s to you, Sir!


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